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Backyard Coasters

July 8, 2012

I’ve always thought it would be awesome to have a roller coaster in my backyard. There are some enthusiasts who have actually taken the next step and built a ride.

The first video is of a man who built a mine coaster that weaves through his back yard:

Next is a man who built a wooden coaster. It looks fun for a homemade ride. There is even a hill that might give a little airtime.

Finally there is this insane roller coaster. Named Blue Flash, it travels up and over a barn then through a vertical loop. It is the only backyard coaster that I’ve ever seen with an inversion.

What do you think? Are there any other backyard coasters that you know of? Please comment. Thanks for reading! 🙂


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One Comment
  1. Matt P permalink

    I have always imagined and wanted a backyard roller coaster. But where these guys get the supplies and manpower to build these is beyond me. Like with the blue flash, the video says that he got a bunch of scrap metal together and built it. How do you do that? Where do they get lift chains from and how do they get them to work? And how do these people make sure the rides are safe. They are not professionals. But anyway congrats to these guys. They wanted a coaster in their backyard and they built one.

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